Notas da Imprensa e Outros Disparates!

Entertainment Weekly:
"Richard is TV Gold."
Alfombra Roja:
"He captivated our country...he earned the affection of the public…"
FOX Sports:
"Richard Rubin was a joy to have on the television screen."
Orlando Sentinel:
“A cross between Jerry Seinfeld and Don Knotts… Richard's exuberance dominates the show."
New York Times:
"The cameras couldn't resist training on Rubin…"
"The cast standout is Richard…who hams it up like an unsexed Woody Allen…"
Chicago Tribune:
"Richard Rubin gave the show a galvanizing central character."
Buffalo News:
"He makes Jerry Lewis at his zaniest look like Cary Grant at his suavest…"
Las Últimas Noticias:
"Richard Rubin shmears on the American accent in our country and becomes part of the long list of famous foreigners…"
Sergio Nakasone, Executive Producer, Canal 13:
"I think he’s brilliant…he’s one of the most eccentric, crazy, and fun characters that we’ve ever cast…"
New York Observer:
"The breakout star of the show is undoubtedly Richard… He's fabulous! Fabulous!"